Saturday, March 19, 2011

In countries using diamond-shaped signs, the explanatory language is written

In countries using diamond-shaped signs, the explanatory language is written

 discussion gt diamond driversmar Diamond+shaped+signs+give+instructions+

discussion gt diamond driversmar Diamond+shaped+signs+give+instructions+



A four-sided diamond-shaped sign warns you

A four-sided diamond-shaped sign warns you

Diamond shaped with yellow background

Diamond shaped with yellow background

Warning signs are typically yellow with black text and diamond-shaped,

Warning signs are typically yellow with black text and diamond-shaped,

The diamond-shaped sign to the right is an El 6 announcer for the end of

The diamond-shaped sign to the right is an El 6 announcer for the end of

Usually diamond-shaped and yellow, these “warning signs” caution drivers

Usually diamond-shaped and yellow, these “warning signs” caution drivers

ES140HS Heart shape Diamond Cathedral Channel Set Engagement Ring by MDC

ES140HS Heart shape Diamond Cathedral Channel Set Engagement Ring by MDC

For the Superman "S," I began by masking-off a diamond shape in the center

For the Superman "S," I began by masking-off a diamond shape in the center

 and usually diamond-shaped, while temporary signs (which are typically

and usually diamond-shaped, while temporary signs (which are typically

Diamond Shaped Pips: Indicate other players (as opposed to NPCs).

Diamond Shaped Pips: Indicate other players (as opposed to NPCs).

Diamond Shaped Pips: Indicate other players (as opposed to

Diamond Shaped Pips: Indicate other players (as opposed to

 the square and diamond-shaped markings indicate or whether they were the

the square and diamond-shaped markings indicate or whether they were the

Paltrow has heart-shaped face, but has a diamond-shaped paltrow

Paltrow has heart-shaped face, but has a diamond-shaped paltrow

Yellow Diamond Only example I can find but they are the standard signage

Yellow Diamond Only example I can find but they are the standard signage

 ofdiamond shaped face, which glasses with Diamond+shaped+face+glasses

ofdiamond shaped face, which glasses with Diamond+shaped+face+glasses

shapeupswept frames hope thisgoing shopping Flatter your heart-shaped

shapeupswept frames hope thisgoing shopping Flatter your heart-shaped

 diamond hewitt wears glasses with wider at Diamond+shaped+face+glasses

diamond hewitt wears glasses with wider at Diamond+shaped+face+glasses

 hairstyles wigdiamond shaped Diamond+shaped+face+hairstyles+2010

hairstyles wigdiamond shaped Diamond+shaped+face+hairstyles+2010

19 Mar 2011

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