Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Early Monday morning…once the sun hit the tent, we decided to head out for L.A. We took the polls out of the tent and dragged it out to the car with all our blankets, clothes and stuff in it. We probably looked ridiculous but it was much easier that way!

So we packed up the car and got changed in the parking lot…and were off for L.A.! We didn’t have any shoots until the next day so we decided to drive to Malibu and spend the day at the beach. First we drove up to the top of a hillside and did some hiking. It was so gorgeous! We could overlook the valley and stare out into the ocean. And the coastline was just sick! It was lined with cliffs, waves crashing up on them leading your eye up to a beautiful blue sky! The hills were lined with luscious greenery and giant boulders that stuck out of the hillsides so amazingly! It was great to be in such a beautiful place. It made me forget about the thick, dark layer of smog I saw hovering over the city as we drove in.

After a nice little hike in a heavenly spot, we drove down the hill and hung out on the beach. London was brave and floated out in the water for a good half hour. The water was way too cold for me. I’m such a baby when it comes to cold water. I got in…but quickly got back out. It was nice to just lay on the sand and catch a nap under the sun, with the sound of waves breaking in the background. We even saw a school of dolphins swim by. They would jump out of the water a few times pretty high. It was so neat =)

After soaking up the sun and getting sand in every nook and cranny of our bodies, we went to eat at The Reel Inn. I guess it’s a pretty famous place. I had some of the largest yummiest shrimp I’ve ever had and London had some Oysters! Mmmmmm Hmmmmm!
That night we arrived at Lenny’s place between West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. London stays with him every time she’s in LA. He has a nice big house and lives only with his dogs…Tito and Lola. So we get our own bedroom. That is a huge plus when traveling, we mostly just get couches. So a nice big bed and the privacy of a bedroom is fantastic! Thanks Lenny ;)
21 Apr 2009

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