Then go on Filter>Blur>Gaussian blur and add 15%. Then set the layer opacity
In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, we're going to learn how to easily add .

-Funny Photo Effect with this tutorial in Photoshop.

-Funny Photo Effect with this tutorial in Photoshop.
1) Eye Make Up Effect In Photoshop
In this Photoshop tutorial, we'll learn how layer blend modes make it easy

Make up with Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorials: Adding Make-up! The Tutorial.
use some Star Brushes, add text Done !! make-up complate :P
Make Up Effect Image 03. After that I think we should add some lipstick on
A Photoshop tutorial detailing how to create a horror text effect to add to
cool digital make up
Jessica Simpson's Makeup and Photoshop-Free Cover Shoot
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to add lighting and .
How to fake reflections in Photoshop Adding a reflection is a great way to
In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we'll learn how to easily add a .
FREE Hulk Make Up photoshop Tutorial. Now select your brush tool and choose
Having fun with make-up and photoshop ) ► ◄
I go more into detail about how to do this in my “digital make up” blog post