Monday, March 7, 2011

 classic black and white TV shows and movies is acceptable to you.

classic black and white TV shows and movies is acceptable to you.

 yes, there is such a thing as a television which shows black and white

yes, there is such a thing as a television which shows black and white

Get Smart was the first TV show I could ever really consider myself a true

Get Smart was the first TV show I could ever really consider myself a true

Sometimes the image would tremble; other times everything would go Black

Sometimes the image would tremble; other times everything would go Black

Original TV show batmobile in black and white

Original TV show batmobile in black and white

Remember when they used to show reruns of black-and-white game shows on TV

Remember when they used to show reruns of black-and-white game shows on TV

 Be Watching TV?

Be Watching TV?

Even though I was born after TV was broadcasted in color, my family still

Even though I was born after TV was broadcasted in color, my family still

An NBC 1960's alternate show opener for most black-and-white TV shows.

An NBC 1960's alternate show opener for most black-and-white TV shows.

 black and white TV in

black and white TV in

Tags: lucille, ball, actress, tv, show, television, white, black, lucy,

Tags: lucille, ball, actress, tv, show, television, white, black, lucy,

 extraordinary gifted swing dancers from some black-and-white TV show set

extraordinary gifted swing dancers from some black-and-white TV show set

Characters from 31 movies and TV shows take it

Characters from 31 movies and TV shows take it

"Black and White" was featured on "promised land" an HBO special,

"Black and White" was featured on "promised land" an HBO special,

What's your FAV black and white TV show/movie?

What's your FAV black and white TV show/movie?

What's your FAV black and white TV show/movie?

What's your FAV black and white TV show/movie?

A popular block of programs, in glorious black and white

A popular block of programs, in glorious black and white

Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Lobby in Black and White in Disney's Hollywood

Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Lobby in Black and White in Disney's Hollywood

 black and white TV set watching their favorite Super Robot cartoons.

black and white TV set watching their favorite Super Robot cartoons.

Here's a scene from a TV show from years ago. It's in black and white so you

Here's a scene from a TV show from years ago. It's in black and white so you

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