World's First Eyeball Tattoo

Phantom Thumb Tattoo. Link: mcfearsome.posterous.com

Phantom Thumb Tattoo. Link: mcfearsome.posterous.com thumb tattoo

thumb tattoos

Exclamation mark tattoo design on thumb tattoos tattoo girl art picture

Thumb Tattoos

2703961842 da62ef3b82 Side Shot of Tattoo with Wrist/Thumb Image by micala.

miley-tattoo-thumb-440x345 Miley Cyrus will be a guest star on The View,

tattoo. Click here to see all pictures on this entry »

We've got a few B-17 Flying Fortress tattoos to showcase in the coming few

thumb tattoos

Here is a fantastic joker tattoo done by Greg Ashcraft at Skinworx Tattoo.

This piece is one of his many "tattooed portraits" series.

Side Shot of Tattoo with Wrist/Thumb

Keely is Interning at HMML - City Lights Logo Tattoo on Her Thumb

thumb tattoos. Horrible Tribute Tattoo. And that's permanent.

Spider-Man Tattoo. Cool, but not if that's really permanent. thumb tattoo

Notice the shoulder tattoos -- an indication the TMZ photo could be legit:

thumb tattoos

thumb tattoo. Filed Under: tattoo