Tuesday, October 20, 2009

After spending two weeks in Texas I was supposed to drive with Kim back to AZ for the Arizona Shootout, a 3 day glamor modeling event in Phoenix. However, how our schedule ended up working out, we would not end up getting there in time to make it to the first day of the event, the meet-n-greet. This is a huge part of the event for me where I make a lot of contacts to work with throughout the year. It is also the night of the clothing swap between all the models which is a big reason I like to attend. I didn't really want to go if I couldn't be there the first day. Plus we would have to drive straight from Dallas to Phoenix in one night, a 14 hour drive, and then work the next morning. I was not looking forward to that. So, I decided not to drive back to AZ with Kimberly. Instead I flew out to Georgia to work with Sleeperkids World again and hang out with all my great Atlanta friends.
20 Oct 2009

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