Friday, October 9, 2009

I sure notice once I cross the Texas border! I start seeing large stars everywhere, billboards cluttered with "Lonestar State" and "Texas", big T's displayed in windows. Texas definitely lets you know that you are in Texas, lol! I'm on the road with Kimberly Marvel for the next two weeks, while we visit Austin, Houston and Dallas. I have a few shoots lined up in each city and we will get to visit London at her new house in Austin!

Kim and I have worked together a few times before and recently roomed together in Tampa during Fetishcon in August, but this is our first time traveling with each other. Actually, this is my first time traveling with another model other than London. I love working and staying with other people, making new friends. Its one my favorite parts of my job. However, traveling with someone is a whole different story. To be with another person 24/7 can be trying, no matter how well you get along with that person. London and I have traveled so much together, that we just fall into a groove and don't have any problems. We just lucked out that way to be natural travel buddies. I'm curious at how well Kim and I will get along on the road.

So far, traveling with Kim has been good. I can tell that we are very different types of people and have different work styles. Traveling with her is going to be different than traveling with London, but I think it's going to be fun! I'm looking forward to having a new travel partner! We spent the whole drive from Tucson to Texas chatting away, catching up on each other's lives, making each other laugh. One thing I love about Kim is that she is silly fun :) She just says and does the silliest things sometimes that just makes me laugh. I hope we can continue to get along this well throughout our trip!
09 Oct 2009

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