Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It was another great year at Fetishcon! I arrived at the Hyatt in Tampa, Florida a week before the event and stayed a few days after to get in as much work as possible. Even went down to Sarasota for a few shoots and got to relax on a gorgeous white sand beach. The best part of the Con was that I got to see all the model and producer/photographer friends that I work with all over the country all year. It was such a blast and I was go-go-go all of the time! I'd shoot from 10am-8pm, networking and mingling every minute I had between shoots, somehow squeeze in time to grab some dinner and then party all night at the pool. Three nights in a row I watched the sun rise over the Hyatt skyline with some great people that were also having to much fun to let the night end! I'd then drag my waterlogged butt to my room, throw myself into bed and try to grab 2-3hrs of sleep before starting the routine all over again. I was completely exhausted by the end of the week, but it was all worth it! Best time I'd had all year :)

Highlights included:

-Having awesome roommates for the first part of the week, NY models/producers Jamie Daniels, Goddess Dee, Jacquelyn Velvets and Tara Bush. These girls were a blast to get ready with every morning. One morning Jamie woke us up by putting a clown nose on us and taking pictures. She's silly fun :)

-Helping the NY girls set up and decorate their booth

-Attending the meet n' greet. Networking, mingling, meeting new friends and seeing old ones, with everyone all dressed up and lookin' sexy!

-Hanging out with Kimberly Jane. This was Kym's first Fetcon and a great opportunity for us silly girls to run around like 6 year old bff's. We had an absolute blast together and I would not have had as great of a time without her!

-Pool Time! Ended every night at the pool...and I guess you could say I started it there as well since I watched the sunrise in the pool a few times ;)

-Birthday dinner with Debbie! It happened to be Debbie's (Jasmin Jewlz) birthday so we got a group together and went and had a wonderful steak dinner treated by Dave of Lonestar Damsels. So delicious!

-Friends, friends, friends and more friends!

-Finally relaxing on a beautiful white beach in Sarasota

05 Oct 2010

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