On the way home from Houston, London and I stopped at an artist scrapyard (a gathering/party spot for Burners in Austin) and she snapped some photos of me with her Mamiya film camera. This was her first time using the camera she had recently picked up and was super excited to have in her possession, even though she was clueless on how to operate it.

Barton Springs

Keep Austin Weird
After swimming in Barton Springs and playing with dogs near the river, we continued o
Movies, Comedy & Bingo
In Tucson we don't have theaters that serve food and drinks while you watch a movie...so I was thrilled to find out that theaters exist that do this!

Other nights of entertainment in Austin included a night at a comedy improv theater and another at a bingo hall. Both of which were, BYOB so we could pick up some cheap beer and bring it with us! This is actually common for places in Austin and another reason it is such a great city :)
It was great to see comedians get up on stage and perform skits on the fly. There were several that performed as groups and created jokes by bouncing off each other and the audience.

Life Drawing Class
One day London picked up some paper, pastels and charcoal and dragged me along to a life drawing class she typical poses for. It was really neat to get lost for a few hours smudging charcoal a
One of the best things that happened in Austin was that London got me hooked on going to the gym again. She is a member of Planet Fitness, a great gym that has tons of room and machines, but isn't a big open meat market like Bally Total Fitness.