I had scheduled some shoots through California on our way home to AZ so we had a nice road trip ahead of us. My boyfriend Josh had never been on the road with me before, so it was exciting for him to see a little more of the "modeling world" and get a better idea of what I do day-to-day while I'm on the road. Matthew, London's best friend from high school, had also joined us. This kind of trip was nothing new to Matt since he had been on the road with London several times before, but it was my first time traveling with him. He is a lot of fun to be around and highly entertaining, so it was wonderful having him along :)

Harbin is an AMAZING place! It's a nude resort built around natural hot springs in a mountain north of Napa. There are both cold and hot pools and the hottest one is 115 degrees! The natural minerals in the water are also healing and nurturing to the skin, body and mind.

Since the city is so huge, shooting in LA is long and exhausting. I was too tired to go out at night, but Matt met up with some friends and got to experience some LA night life, which made him very happy. Josh hung out with Denny a lot, learning about printing film photography and playing blow darts. I was happy they got along so well so I didn't have to drag him to all my shoots.